This entire week let’s meditate on setting the intention to do what brings us joy. When we connect with God within, we connect with the divine qualities of the Holy Spirit. Joy is the highest form of energetic vibrations. One spiritual practice is to always find the joy within our lives. All of our master teachers encourage us to be in the joy always. No matter what you are going through, find your joy. Delight in the realization that you are an unique expression of the Universe. Rejoice and allow your light to shine. When we understand who and what we are, it becomes easy to find our Joy. No matter what, we are always in God; therefore we can always activate Joy. Set the intention to remember you are joy, and it is waiting to rise up.
This week’s “Joy” action plan let’s focus all this week on doing what brings you joy. Take time to meditate and to identify what brings you divine happiness, then go and do it!
Peace and Blessings,