The Little Book for Big Transformations: 31 Days of Inner Visions and Spiritual Practices (2nd edition) will be released on January 21, 2021!!
What you will receive are 31-days of daily devotions, teachings and affirmations to help you develop a positive and loving mindset so that you can navigate these uncertain times with ease.
Please accept my my gift of Day 1: Stuck No More
As we hold in consciousness a peaceful transfer of power politically and socially, it is crucial to keep your frequency high!

Sean Patrick is a Publisher + Broadcaster. (and the publisher of my books)
He is the founder of the spiritual/ self-help publishing house That Guy’s House and author of the award-winning memoir, That Guy Who Loves The Universe.
Sean’s work and philosophy have been featured on BBC News, The Sunday Times, The Huffington Post and many more.
Recently, Sean’s publishing company has developed a division for Production & Broadcast. Sean believes that through applying spiritual principles to today’s modern world, you navigate both life’s blessings and challenges fortified and empowered..
Enjoy Day 1 of The Little Book for Big Transformations!
And, see you at 11 am PST for High Conscious Conversations.
Minister, Author, Speaker, Coach
Mind Body Spirit Solution L L C
PS: Go HERE to download Day 1 of The Little Book for Big Transformations!!