Stepping outside the Black Box: The Power of Invitation by Emill Kim

Anxiously clutching rosary beads in my hand, I walked through the quiet church. Every one of my movement possessed a certain gravitas in the still of this sacred space. This was the church of my boyhood; I had gone to school here, learned my catechism, grown up here,...

Sugar Science

Liquid Sugar Did you know that the sugar (corn syrup, cane, etc..) added to soda, sports drinks and energy drinks makes up 36% of all the added sugar consumed.  That makes liquid sugar the single largest source of added sugar in the average American’s diet....

Vegan Recipes – Breakfast Quinoa

Today’s Vegan recipe, Breakfast Quinoa and accompanying maple vine vinaigrette, is from my upcoming book, The Lotus Kitchen with Gwen Kenneally. It’s fun way to use quinoa in the morning. Plus Look for more recipe from my upcoming cookbook in the coming...