Stepping outside the Black Box: The Power of Invitation by Emill Kim

Anxiously clutching rosary beads in my hand, I walked through the quiet church. Every one of my movement possessed a certain gravitas in the still of this sacred space. This was the church of my boyhood; I had gone to school here, learned my catechism, grown up here,...

New Classes, Practice, Sexy Radio, Lotus Kitchen, Peculiar Children

Some blog highlights of the past week New classes for November: Streamline Sculpt and Studio Cycle. “Practice” – Meditation and Affirmation – Body Connection. Getting sexy on Radio – Dr. Kat shares  Quinoa + Curry = deliciousness from my upcoming cookbook...

Vegan Pre-Workout Prep

The team here at has been sampling a variety of pre-workout drinks. To be honest, some of them were better suited for places we’ll not share. Well, this past week we sampled  #VegaSport Pre-Workout Energizer and my goodness it tastes so much...